Mondo Instante 40 Announcement (Celebrating 5 Years of MI)

MI40Five years . . .  five years? Five years! I keep saying this to myself over and over. The idea for Mondo Instante was hatched 5 years ago on a dark and stormy . . . well, wait. Instead of telling the tale again, the story of how Mondo Instante came about was already told in the post for our second anniversary in October of 2011, so I’ll pause here a moment while you read that if you’re interested in a little short story, otherwise, move on to the next unbracketed sentence.

{here is some intermission music to listen to while you read}

Ah yes, welcome back. So there you have it. Now it’s time to move on and celebrate the heck out of this milestone! This event will be a special 24-hour event. While that departs a little from the “world in an instant” dogma that is central to our usual events, MI40 in 24 hours will allow as many MI players around the world to take part, and to show their faces . . . literally! Our theme this event is “Hello World,” and while you can interpret this however you would like, I really hope you are reading between the lines and hear in your head the word “selfie!” We did a variation of this for the 2-year About Face event and it was great fun. This time around, our pal Genie in New Zealand (foodie/artist/author of Bunny Eats Design blog) made the suggestion we do a selfie event. Fear not, as her idea morphed into one better, that of a yearbook/class photo theme for which I will be assembling the resulting MI40 photos into a yearbook theme of sorts (ie I am toying with the idea of photoshopping all of our heads into one class photo at the end!) (Thanks Genie!)

To recap, here are the MI40 Guidelines:

MI40 Guidelines and Rules for Submission:

  1. Event takes place Saturday, October 24, 2015 and is an all day event (meaning you have from 12am-11:59pm your local time to submit to the MI40 event page)
  2. Theme is Selfie/Yearbook, take a photo of yourself! You can be front and center, or for the more camera-shy, get creative!
  3. Post your image during event time and include:
    * Your location in the world
    * The local time you took your photo
    * A caption that tells us what you’re “Most Likely to . . . ” (in keeping with the yearbook theme!)* Any other information about your photo you would like to share

Have fun with it, spread the word, and invite anyone you know who may be interested in taking part in Mondo Instante!


image photo (self portrait): Nikoal in Tacoma, WA for MI21, Saturday, October 27th, 2012


New Group Project Announcement – “Casa”

Puerto Madryn, Argentina (photo by Mecha)

Puerto Madryn, Argentina (photo by Mecha)

Over the past years Mental Beans has hosted a variety of group projects  such Self, Smoke, Blue, Images From Earth and Character Flaw. These projects have taken a backseat to the Mondo Instante project as of late while I focus my time and energy there. However, when I am gripped by the sudden urge to drum up some crazy idea to inspire activity amongst us mental beans (that’s you, and me of course) I don’t ignore it. That’s what has just happened, and I’ve been tossing around ideas the past few days and settled on reviving the Word series to give a starting point for some creative output.

So, ladies and gents, we now have the Casa Project to tide us over to the next Mondo event, and I invite everybody and their uncle who has the time and desire to take part and have some fun making things!

To contribute—
{See the Casa Project page for full details}

Subject matter: “Casa/House/Home” (interpreted in any way)

Medium: open (includes 2-d and 3-d media: painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, and can even include written poetry or prose, music, audio, video), only limitation is the ability to present the final piece on the blog.

Submissions: See the Casa Project page for formats accepted.

Deadline: By Friday, August 21, 2015 to be included in the blog post presenting the pieces created.

That’s just about three months to plan ideas and create some things . . . a fun summer, or winter depending on your hemisphere, to-do! Spread the word, and hope you play along!


Mondo Instante 37 Image Collection


Photo: Silvia’s sweet neighbor taking her daily walk with her dog, taken in Coriano, Italy at 10:30am local.


Hello hello hello! It’s that time again when I get to share with you the final result of a Mondo Instante event! A big part of the fun of MI is the real-time flurry of activity that takes place live on the MI event page on Facebook—we get to interact and see what everyone else is doing right then and there at the MI moment. The other part of the fun comes after, when we get to view all of the images that we produced, laid out side-by-side all in one image, underscoring that all of these things you see going on happened at the exact same time, all over the world. 

This time as you probably know (and quite possibly experienced)  those of us on the North/South American side of the globe were dealt the early morning hours for this event so as to make it fair for those in Europe/Asia/Africa/Australia who very often have to deal with less savory times. I was truly amazed at how many of you toughed it out and stayed awake late into the night or set your alarms (2:30, 3:30, 4:30, 5:30 am!) to wake up and join in! It made me smile to think just how dedicated our crew is. I thank each and every one of you for making this such a great project! I also thank everyone else for taking the time, no matter if it was early, late or even at an “easy” time, to be part of this. The fact that we have such a great, fun, and dedicated core group of participants, and the fact that the event keeps spreading to more and new people each time we do this just makes me giddy with happiness! THANK YOU! 

 Now for some fun statistics for this event. MI37 is comprised of 72 images from 72 participants from all over the world. Photos were taken in Denmark, Germany, New Zealand, USA, Canada, Thailand, Portugal, China, Scotland, Switzerland, Serbia, Argentina, England, Australia, Italy and Indonesia. A photo also came in that was taken at the Dead Sea in Jordan, the first MI photo to come from that country! States that were represented in the USA include Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Vermont and Washington state. We also had many new participants come on board and I want to welcome each of you to the project! I’m excited you found your way here either on your own or that you were invited by one of our MI players, and hope you continue to play along…events happen once every month or two so there will be more!

Thanks to Donny Y, Silvia B, Roger E, Sarah H, Yvette E, Mecha, Jake D, Mark GW, Ian C, Paula B, Harleen Q, Victoria H, Lou Y, Ang S, Tatjana TM, Niall Q, Ham C, Jim S, Sharon G, Jen B, Garrick S, Ray G, Grebo G, Jason D, Jude O, Heather E, Elsa W, Nick B, Margaret MP, Christa L, Justin C, Dawn R, Gina M, Hannah R, Melanie B, Noona, Sara T, Ruby R, Alexandra D, Rachel P, Betsy M, Debra F, Lisa S, Angela T, Cheryl L, William B, Sean C, Robin W, John M, Sandy R, Alicia CS, Kylie V, Deborah B, Amy L, Meghan A, Tara H, Genie, Jude SB, Joachim S, Arthur S, Amy VF, Martin S, Steff G, Cindy H, Marianne L, Teresa M, Annie W, Ady O, Christine O, Nancy L and Barbara M for all coming together to create this image! (All were taken at 8:30:00 am UTC with the locations and local time noted on each photo,except where noted with an asterisk after the time in the image below. We had one photo that kicked off the event a little early and a few posted late, that’s ok! I always include photos that come in for the event, knowing that MI was on their mind when it was taken!)  

And now I give to you the fruits of our group effort!! Enjoy! Stay tuned for details for MI38!

 (Click on the image below to be taken to the full size image and click with the magnifying tool to zoom in. You will be able to scroll around the image to see details on who took each photo, their location and local time appear there!)


If you came here to see the MI37 image, chances are pretty big that you either participate in the events, or you at least know of them. For those of you who are reading and don’t know what Mondo Instante is, you can go here to the Mondo Instante page for all the fun details, but in short Mondo Instante (the project name itself, Mondo Instante, is a blend of Italian “Mondo” (World) and Spanish “Instante” (Instant)—meaning “the world in an instant”—to honor the native languages of Silvia and Mecha, two friends who helped me establish the concept of the project and encouraged me to actually initiate the project almost 5 years ago) is a coordinated event that takes place during a single specified minute in time. The time is expressed in Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) which is then converted to local times for our participants, who come from points all over the world. At this designated singular moment, all participants from points around the world are ready with camera in hand to take a photograph of their immediate environment, whether it be a self portrait, of someone or some object close by, or a panoramic shot of their location (with emphasis on the off the cuff, in the moment true snapshots of life right now). The photos are then submitted, and then finally posted together side by side in an online gallery exhibition here on the blog— little windows into the lives of people all over the world at the same moment in time. Watch the blog here for details for the next event if you wish to take part…all are welcome!